AB-Health Ltd
Occupational Health aims to prevent ill health from wherever it arises in the workplace.
Hi and welcome to A.B. Health ltd, I’m Amanda a passionate occupational Health Practitioner with over 18 years of experience. Since 2009 we have been helping businesses and government organisations large and small to keep their employees healthy both physically and mentally and by supporting them to have a better working relationship with their staff though sickness absence referrals and management support providing a dedicated on- site service for them or short / long term OH Practitioner consultancy support.

We also assist organisations to comply with their legal requirements in terms of health surveillance for their staff. No matter how small your request, we treat every inquiry with the same attention to detail so please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. The majority of our services are delivered on site to reduce employee non-productive downtime.
My credentials
- BSc (Hons) Promoting Practice Effectiveness (Occupational Health) Specialist Practitioner status.
- Diploma in Adult Nursing
- Industrial Spirometry & Audiometry Certificate of Competence
How Can We Facilitate Your Business?
Here at AB-Health, we have a particular passion for establishing new Occupational Health services. Working in partnership with your Health and Safety / Risk management teams and Human Resources, we deliver health surveillance and fitness for work medical programmes ensuring legislative and best practice compliance. We have all the necessary skills in order to review existing Occupational health provisions of small to medium sized companies, ensuring that services are suitable and flexible; meeting legal requirements and delivering value in today’s ever changing world.
We continually strive to improve collaborations with all departments within the organisation responsible for employee wellbeing, building stronger, more effective working relationships which support the Occupational Health provision and ultimately improve client experiences and employee services.
Benefits of OH to your organisation – “Healthy staff are more productive and engaged and less likely to take time off sick, whereas the number of days lost because of absenteeism and presenteeism (working while sick and therefore less productively) increases the unhealthier employees are”…(Britain’s Healthiest Workplace)
Workplace adjustments – In line with the Equality Act (2010), reasonable adjustments remove or minimise disadvantages experienced by disabled people, whether the disability is short or long term. It involves making changes to the working environment to allow an employee to return/remain in a role. These can include changes to the physical working environment, for example, a ramp for a wheelchair user or a special keyboard for an employee with arthritis, or by changing working arrangements, for example, a change of working hours or restricting specific activities.
Advisory and support services – These help to maintain and promote employee health and wellbeing. OH services support organisations to achieve these goals by providing direct support and advice to employees and managers, as well as support at the organisational level e.g. to improve work environments and cultures
Benefits to the Customer – Improved efficiency drives down costs; A positive attitude to health leads to greater confidence within the organisation, better communication and organisational image.